
Big day

Well, tomorrow (actually today), is going to be quite a big day. It will all begin with SCUBA. Yay, SCUBA! Thank god it's starting again, maybe I will finally loose this fat feeling that I have. Though, boo watermanship. That always kicks my ass and I have no excuse this year, no more mono. Boo watermanship. After that I have work. Boo work. Then I have a reception at work that I got to work. Woo-hoo. After that I get to pick up a certain electrical engineer. Yay Fuat! Then I get to spring on Fuat the fact that I have an college friend who I want to go see. Hmmm, how happy is Fuat going to be sitting through a late dinner with my two college friends after he has about a 10 hour plane ride coming from a country that has a seven hour time difference? I do not think he will be too happy. Oh well, he will survive. Then I have to pack for NYC. Yay NYC! Big, big day. In the midst of all this, I have to call to get my car fixed, call Brad Morse, and find an apartment. Will someone help me find a apartment please?

A quiz for you, and I love the results. Jenn would agree with me.

Ollie Wood
Oliver Wood

Which male HP character are you most compatible with?
brought to you by Quizilla

In less than a day, I will be able to hug my Fugo!


Too much work

I haven't posted in a few days. I have survied the week. Yay! Now I am going to have a very very relaxing week-end away from all my friends at work, and recuperate for what will be another long week. I have to catch up with all the work that I wasn't able to get to this week. No fun, no fun at all. I was talking to a co-worker, telling her how I have a lot of work to catch up to, but then she had a very good observation, you never catch up to your work load, at least not at our job.

Well, I'm sitting here, online, waiting for a message that doesn't seem to come. I'm only on MSN Messenger for one person, and he's not messenging me. No one to call me up and tell me I'm not alone. Ok, before I break out into song...... I'm actually sitting in my room on a Friday night, chatting with friends and waiting for an e-mail. It sucks to not have money. I think I will do the really dorky thing and do internet searches for random things.

For some more "content": here is a quiz for you, I had to take it to see if I was German. Thank god I am not, but do I have to give up/surrender at the drop of a hat now?

What's your Inner European?

brought to you by Quizilla

I wish Turkey bordered the US.


So Season doesn't like my blog becuase she is not mentioned in it. Well Season, want to be in it, POST A COMMENT. Ok, I'll be nice and talk about you.

This was a very interesting week-end for me. Season came up and visited me from Virginia Beach. Well, she really didn't come up to see me as much as she came up to sing for her church and have some bread pudding. Great to know that you love me enough to see me without havinig bread pudding, Season. Well after Season got her bread pudding I went to hear her church choir perform in Old Town Alexandria. Season belongs to a Pentacostal church. What did I learn from going to that service? If you scream, shout or sing loud enough, God will surely hear you and if you don't meet your fundraising goal, hold up the service till the congregation gives enough so that you do. The former makes no sense to me and the latter is pretty smart. I have a question, at the service the leaders would keep on saying that God is in our presence. If He is in our presence, do you really need 14 speakers for a room that would only hold about 400 ppl for God to hear you? If I whisper a prayer alone in the night, doesn't God hear that? I love the tambourines, I loved the dancing up to the front to give your tithe, I loved seeing Season. Pentacostal church is not for me every week, but it is good to go to a church and be able to give a joyful noise to the Lord every so often.

Later that night I got to see Krystal and Alicia who I met this summer. Woo-hoo. We tried to find some p()rl\l that (I have been told by some reliable sources who like internet searches) Sean Abbananto has been in, to no avail. Oh well, will have to try some other time, if anyone has Night Dreams(1999) or Playboy's Sensual Fantasy for Lovers on tape, I would love a copy. After that we hung out with friends of a friend of a friend out in BFE. Geez, the Telegraph Rd. exit off the beltway, way too far for me. I think I scared them with the friends of a friend of a friend. They were a little weird. We did get to see Scooby Doo, which my baby would have loved. She loves Scooby. Saw that, had a couple of drinks and didn't participate in any illegal activity. Fun night all around.

Well, there ya go, my week-end in a nutshell.

My heart is in Turkey.


So, this has not been my week at work. Nothing has gone right. Very discouraging. All I have to do is survive next week and then I will be able to catch up. Then again, I've always been playing catch-up. I really hope that there will be tons and tons of snow and I will not have to go into work tomorrow. Since I will have to pull at least four ten hour days next week, not having to work would be fabulous.

Tonight on Media Matters, I found out that weblogs, blogs, are the new journalism. So, does this make me a published journalist? Can I put that on my resume? Hmmmm.....

A Metro toll hike? That would suck. It's always been $1.10 to get anywhere in the District during non-rush, it ought to stay that way. Hike the fares out to Northern Virginia, they can afford it. Have you ever been on the orange line during rush? No seats ever, they can afford it and it ought to be enough to pay for the rest of the system.

I know a very sweet and handsome man, and a not so sweet international man of mystery.


Hopefully, soon, I will have a new apartment. Pray, give offerings, do whatever you do for me. I really, really need to move.

So, tonight I went to a sushi bar with two frenchmen and my old roommate. Hmmmmm, bad idea. I don't like fish, that means I really won't like raw fish. And I don't like things that are hot or spicy. Yea, that means no sushi for me. I had shrimp tempura, if you wanted to know what a girl who doesn't like fish or spicy things has at a sushi bar. Of course the shirmp rolls had rho/ro (this is where the spell check would come in handy) on it, so I had two and was done. Tasted fishy. I don't like fish.
Well, my old roommate and the frenchmen sat there talking about martial arts almost the whole time. Ok, a french accent + martial arts = Jean Claude Van Damme. Yes, I know he's not from France, but close enough. I really wanted him to say, "Je m'appelle Jean Claude." I kept thinking about that over and over again, and how funny it would be. Yea, I was a little bored during the martial arts discussion. Did I mention how it took up most of the conversation?

Ok, so now with "Homeland" security they have special registration for certain non-immigrants from certain countries. This seems wrong. All done in the name of protecting the "homeland". I hate that word, home-land. What the hell is that word. It's made up and it sounds retarded. Like, it's not enough to say protect the home, or our land, we have to say protect the home-land. As if we really have other types of land that we live on, like the foreign-land, we don't live on a foreign-land. We live on our land or at home, not the homeland. If you're abroad you don't say, "Gee, I can't wait to get back to the good ole homeland." No, you say, "I can't wait to get home." Anyway, isn't the homeland, the interior? Why couldn't we just call it that? Don't we already have a department for that? Oh, but we must add a new cabinet seat and spend more money on re-organising the present system, because heaven forbid we go through a republican controlled government without a budget deficit in the millions, if not trillions, to show for it.

Yay, people put comments on the blog! Figuring out the code was not in vain.

I had a dream of a certain Turk last night. We were on a scuba trip and I got to hug him. I wish he would come here and I would hug him now.


Becuase of my co-workers, I'm looking at you Janice and Kerri, I have spent the last couple of nights on Kazaa downloading any song that has piqued my interest. Anything from Guster to Nora Jones to Astrud Gilberto. (And no, no Amerie or "I'm coming out", Kerri and Janice) Yea, it's a wide and varied selection, but that's good. Since I x10 the size of my hard drive, I should find things to put on it. All the pointless things that people put on hard drives, like 3,000 mp3s or movies or games. I am joining the '00, I have a blog, I quite possibly have copyright infringed material, what's next? I think now I have to have botox or lazer eye surgery or something like that.

Yay, I have a new pda!

"On the phone,
Long long distance,
Always through such,
Strong resistance,

When first you say,
You're too busy,
I wonder if you,
Even miss me,

Never there,
You're never there"

Where are you, Fugo!?!?


So, I'm sitting here watching elimidate, don't ask why I am watching the show, just know that I am watching it. So, there's this South African (by the by, his 'occupation': professional rugby player, gee, that or football, wouldn't have been a surprise) who is competing against four other guys for the affection of one girl. And throughout the show, they do small 'confessional' type cut aways, and the show keeps on putting subtitles, SUBTITLES, on the screen whenever the South African talks. Even during the 'date' portion of the show, everyone will talk, but then the South African talks, and there are subtitles. That's damn funny, the guy is a native english speaker, and they don't think that the American viewing public can understand him through his accent. Yes, I would like an iced coffee, that's for you Peter.

Another quiz:

i am not indie at all!

How indie are you?
test by ridethefader

Who are you trying to fool? Just because you own a couple of Weezer albums
doesn't mean that you're uberindie. Indie people don't hear about cutting edge
new bands from MTV. At least the ignorant don't know what they're missing...

So, I'm not inde, now I have to go on a quest to become indie. I must give up all my tight fitting and/or black clothing and now only wear tight fitting cotton-Ts, kahki, or the equivilant, pants and jewlery that invovles either a. leather or b. metal that is not precious in any way, shape or form. After I become indie, I can go back to university, learn be a computer engineer and make my blog all that it can be. Yea, no.

Still waiting on ten million kisses, nudge, nudge, wink, wink, you know who you are...


So, I got a call from a frenchman this week-end...hmmm....hang out with the french? Nothing good comes from consorting with a people who surrenders at the drop of the hat.


A quiz for you:

What's your brand of sexy?

brought to you by Quizilla
Romantic-Sexy.... Your fantasies involve love, not lust. You are a fantastic kisser, and for very good reason: it's your favorite thing. You are sappy as hell, and you don't care who knows it.

I have to think if I like the results of this quiz. I don't think so. I really am not a sappy person just like I'm not sweet either. A pox on anyone who thinks I am. And you know who you are.

Oh, I also found out that I am worth exactly: $2,048,380.00. I think that's quite a bit. Find out how much you're worth.

Now a poem for you from, my love, Jennifer:
"i lost a fight i never fought
wasted down, distraught
left to pick the pieces up:
watch me as i walk away
withering, you stay
eventually you'll die:


Maybe I should move to Turkey....I could jump back and forth across the line, now I'm in Europe, now I'm in Asia, now I'm in Europe....hmmmm, yea not good reasons to move to a country. Then again, there is a very handsome man there....


Last night I went to a party given by a friend from Catholic. Woo-hoo. Good times. Got to see a lot of people who I haven't seen in a while and a couple that I haven't seen in years. It really is amazing how much some people haven't changed over time.

I am thinking about moving again. At the very least I will get a new apartment, but I'm thinking of trying to do more, like changing cities. What, New York City? I spend enough time there anyway, I would have a built in friends group already. Or how about Philadelphia, though that could be really depressing. Though I do have a lot keeping me in DC. I just have cabin fever and need to find a way to get rid of all this extra energy. I should go swimming and start to lose the weight that I have promised I would lose. Being fat sucks. Oh well.

I should find better ways to start the new year.

Fugo, come here and give me a hug!


Well, it's another year. Woo-hoo. Let's recap the last year and then on to how I celebrated the new year...this is gonna be a long post.

What have I learned or reaffirmed from this past year?
1. Nothing good ever comes from consorting with Germans.
2. Work hard and you just might get rewarded.
3. People's egos will even come in the way of what is good.
4. Keep the friends you have close, you don't know when they will wander off.

My friend Jenn wrote in my Christmas card what we learned together from this last year. Most of these things have been learned on road trips.
"1. The Washington Center men are incapable of having functional relationships.
2. All Irishmen, while adorable, are mad, alcoholic commitment-phobic bastards.
3. ALWAYS go south for Spring Break.
Therefore, in the coming year, we will have to date non-TWC, non-Irish guys in the South (preferably the Carribbean). YES! We will learn from our mistakes."
A very good summary from Jenn, follow this and learn from our mistakes.

Ok, so for the first time in my life I did not spend New Years in Kansas City, Missouri. I headed up to New York City. Yup, the craziness of New York City.

I get to New Jersey where I meet my friend to change and then head up to the City. We go to another friend's apartment where we meet the rest of the group. They are all pre-partying and having a great time. I find out that two of the people there are bilikens, yes, they went to SLU. The girl and I made fun of the disfunctionalness of boys who graduated from St. Louis Country Day. Soon enough we're leaving to go to the City. After a very long walk, we arrive at the NJTransit station in lovely South Orange and figure out we've missed the train. The girl, who I had been making fun of Country Day boys with, is in a bad way. Not good, basically passes out and will be kicked off the train when the next one comes. Some go off in search of water and coffee to sober her up. In the meantime, she proceedes to loose her lunch/dinner/snack/all she drank over my friend's coat, herself and the station floor. Hmmmm, not good. We get her to lie down and pass out again, my people in the station are asking us if she is ok and if she is breathing. Now, why would they do that? Why would 10 friends who are obviously caring for a girl, talking to her, giving her water, covering her up becuase her world is showing, let her lie on a bench not breathing? Well, her friend went got the car, and we had to take her all the way down the stairs to put her in. The two frenchmen in our group took her down, they were, of course, smoking while stumbling/carrying her. Funny site. Four of the girls miss the next train becuase we had to put her in the car. Great.

Finally get into the City. Go to this dive of a bar with all these rude people. But the bar location is awesome, 33rd and 7th. We were able to go outstide and do the whole countdown and see thw ball drop. Very cool. Then we get bounced from the bar because of the Frenchmen, and we move to, of course, and Irish bar. Can't go to NYC without hitting an Irish bar. Go there see some friends, learned some new ways to make out from my friends making out everywhere in the bar. Eventually we make it back to New Jersey. On the way, I'm talking to the guy who went to SLU and I throw out the first name of of someone I can think of from high school who went there also. Jeff Till, who so happens to be the guy's fraternity brother. Damn small world. I get to find out what Jeff was called in college, and it would be Tilldo, that's DAMN funny. Got back to my friend's apartment about at 6am. I love those nights where you go out in the City for more than eight hours. It's fabulous.

In the morning I wake up and read some of Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason and think a little about my past year. One of my friends talks about boys in terms of Mark Darcys and Daniel Cleavers. She's a Daniel Cleaver type, I definately lean towards the Mark Darcy types. Where is my Mark Darcy? Where is the guy who will love me, "just as I am" or take me off to California or save me from prison in Thailand? Where is he? To affirm my need for Mark Darcy, I saw The Importance of Being Ernest today. Jack/Collin Firth playing the guitar and singing. Oh my. Yes, yes, unattainable ideals and all, but a girl's gotta dream.

Well, have a fabulous new year and hope you rung it in with as much excitment as I did mine.

I wish I could have kissed Fugo today....