
a quiz

In lieu of a real post with content, here is a quiz:

You're Perfect ^^
-Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which
means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're
the kind of chick that can hang out with your
boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't
care about presents or about going to fancy
placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy
being around your boyfriend.

What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Have you ask the current bf if this is true.....



So, there's been a lot of snow in DC....hmmmmmm, about two feet of it. What have you been doing for the last four days or so Myra? Well, digging myself out of my house, digging my boyfriend's car out of the road and then sliding/driving around in search of food, or things to do becuase I get really bad cabin fever. People tell me that the snow was handled better this time around than it was during Marion Barry's tenure (even though Anthony Williams was enjoying the sand and surf in Puerto Rico). Well, gee, that would be easy to figure out, a crack addict really can't do much well, but we should always remember, the bitch set him up.

Where would you eat? Choose one from the reviews:

"There are restaurants that serve professional-chef food, and others that merely provide what you could cook at home if you felt like bothering. ** ** is the latter, well suited to a generation that hasn't yet learned to grill a lamb steak or mash a potato -- much less peel a celery root. This is a place to get -- for better or worse -- some home cooking when you can't rustle that up at home."


"On the other hand, a few things I dismissed early on have improved over time. An ultra-thin tart heaped with caramelized onions and chunks of chorizo is no longer too sweet, and the service has grown more confident and helpful. "May I take your coat?" "Is the wine at the right temperature?" ** makes guests feel at home -- right down to presenting the check in a Mason jar with a perforated lid, the kind you might have used as a child to capture lightning bugs....."
While ** is a work in progress, it is also a place to watch. And lounge. And nest. Count me among the crowd vying for one of the friendly restaurant's seats."

I LOVE The Washington Post. Proving me right time and time again.



So, I have been told that blogs should be funny. That they're not diaries of your life, but should be humorous. I was told that my blog wasn't worth it because I didn't even try to be funny, [hear a voice of authority] blogs aren't blogs if they're not funny. Hmmmmm, I don't agree, I think blogs arouse out of people wanting to put their opinion on the internet, on a regular basis. Sometimes those opinions are funny, sometimes not. But as with all things on the web, the original purpose evolved and what blogs were evolved. There are many many popular blogs out there on the web, that aren't funny, that are more like diaries, such as one of my favourites or how about someone I know from college. Sometimes the blog will be funny, oftentimes not. And they aren't bad blogs by any stretch of the imagination, they are just there for people to see what they are doing. There has always been a certain amount of voyerism on the internet. What about those sites with the webcams and you could see everything that a person did in a day. Depending on the purpose of a blog, the voyerism in a blog is a little less, if at all. If a blogger wants, they can put everything down that they are doing, what they are reading and listening to seem to be popular options, or they can not post that sort of information at all. Is there really any humor in what someone is listening to? Not really unless it's like some chauvanist listening to Ani Defranco and writing how much he loves her music and speaks to his heart. My blog isn't funny half the time, but is it really a bad thing? Am I really all alone in cyberspace?

Now to something funny....

If you've read my Jan 20th post, then you'll know that I went in search of p()rl\l. Well, I heard from the guy who my friends and I were specifically looking for in the porn, and I don't know what he is thinking. But it got my fingers working. For all of you who I worked with this summer, this link is for you, be sure to scroll down to the "Every Man's Dream" segment, you'll get a kick out of it.


Collective Security?

So, France and Germany don't want to help their NATO ally, Turkey, and deploy troops and armament to Turkey to get ready for what everyone beleives in an impending war. Hmmmmm, NATO, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, like SEATO and CENTO, is a organization of collective security. Someone outside the organization attackes a member of the organization, all other members step up and protect the attacked nation-state. NATO is the only exisiting major Western organized treaty organization left from the Cold War era. Why? Becuase it worked, becuase it was good for all the members, heck it's even grown since the fall of communism in Europe. SEATO was taken out in 1973/1977 becuase of it's rule by unanimity. And CENTO went defunt in 1979 becuase all but one member pulled out. So, now France, Belgium and Germany(stupid Germans) are making more of a statement about their veiws of a war with Iraq and ignoring their duty to a treaty that they have signed. A treaty of collective security. If they don't defend the applying state, Turkey, what's the point then? Who will help in situations such as this? Intervention in Kosovo was never US sanctioned, it was sanctioned by NATO and everyone agrees that that was a good thing. The EU sure won't do a thing, all they really have are MOGs. Sometimes, you need another body of nation-states to take action, where the UN won't.

Ok, after that rant, it's a very small world on the Hill. I went there the other day and lo and behold, there was a friend from UMD walking to one of the HOBs. What am I learning in the real world? It's a very small Catholic world. It's a very small world on the Hill. It's a very small world in DC. Maybe I really should move....hmmmmmm.......

Hunny Bunny you're the one!



What have I realized from all the time spent in my office in front of my computer? Something mind-blowing like the meaning of life? That God really exists and like they tell me I do His work? That there is meaning in the mindless work that I, and many like me in cubicles, do day in, day out? No, none of those things. I have reaffirmed that it is impossible to work in a hot space. Cold, yes, hot, no. It's the middle of winter and I would kill for a fan....

I really hope that I never end up in a friends group like the people on Friends. You only hang out with a certain people with any regularity, and that means you only hang with them, and they only hang with you. Some people in the group date or hook up with each other. And everyone thinks of you with them, never just of you. Kind-a weird and very co-dependent.

Trip and something funny....

Well, last week-end I headed up again to the Big Apple. Woo-hoo, even though I can never picture myself living up there, for some reason it always draws me back. I don't know why. I think New Yorkers can be rude and insensitive, but still, I want to go up and hang with them. Oh well, makes no sense. I stayed with my good friend Alanna and it was very good to see her. Fuat came too, yay, and we made a week-end out of doing things relating to the Chinese or Lunar New year. First when we got there we saw a concert and with my friend Jenn and I got some funny pictures from New Year's Eve near Times Sq. Will post those on the web soon. The next day we went to Chinatown and bought some lucky money envelopes and some other things like dragon (acutally lion) heads. Had some Peking Duck, hmmmm good, and got some ice cream moon cake, hmmmm really good. After that, it was off to Ikea. I finally got some honest to goodness furniture. I really have to decide what I am going to do about my housing. We also went to H & M, although I am not a fan of the Germans, I do like H & M and I spent some money there. And to top it off, we went to Korean BBQ. I love that stuff. There was another week-end in the city.

I found this link. Since my friend Alanna might make my, "I lived with three skinheads and all I got was this lousy T-shirt" shirt (thanks Mike H. for the idea), I was looking at cafeshops.com to see what else is out there. I found this. Kina disturbing. I know I would have bought it in my day of debating, and let me tell you that, that day lasted, oh about 10 years or so, but now it just scares me. I think the most disturbing T-shirt is the Debate Princess one with the scrolling letters and little crown. I know no self respecting male or female debater that would ever wear that, not even as a joke for a short period of time. I really wonder if that sells, and if it does, I want to meet the girl that bought it in all seriousness, thinking it was cute and great becuase she was a debater. There's just a certain amount of jadedness, cynicism that you find in debaters, especially the good girl ones. Debate Princess, my god.
Either some dorky debater has a good sense of humour (not very likely) and a good sense of business (debate is a huge industry, how many tubs have been sold to debaters alone?) or someone with a good sense of humour and business accumen who is not a debater made these shirts. The former is just unlikely and the latter, who's hanging around debaters who isn't a dork themselves? Makes me wonder.

Hugo, why don't you come and help me work?