
So, I got a call from a frenchman this week-end...hmmm....hang out with the french? Nothing good comes from consorting with a people who surrenders at the drop of the hat.


A quiz for you:

What's your brand of sexy?

brought to you by Quizilla
Romantic-Sexy.... Your fantasies involve love, not lust. You are a fantastic kisser, and for very good reason: it's your favorite thing. You are sappy as hell, and you don't care who knows it.

I have to think if I like the results of this quiz. I don't think so. I really am not a sappy person just like I'm not sweet either. A pox on anyone who thinks I am. And you know who you are.

Oh, I also found out that I am worth exactly: $2,048,380.00. I think that's quite a bit. Find out how much you're worth.

Now a poem for you from, my love, Jennifer:
"i lost a fight i never fought
wasted down, distraught
left to pick the pieces up:
watch me as i walk away
withering, you stay
eventually you'll die:


Maybe I should move to Turkey....I could jump back and forth across the line, now I'm in Europe, now I'm in Asia, now I'm in Europe....hmmmm, yea not good reasons to move to a country. Then again, there is a very handsome man there....


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