
So Season doesn't like my blog becuase she is not mentioned in it. Well Season, want to be in it, POST A COMMENT. Ok, I'll be nice and talk about you.

This was a very interesting week-end for me. Season came up and visited me from Virginia Beach. Well, she really didn't come up to see me as much as she came up to sing for her church and have some bread pudding. Great to know that you love me enough to see me without havinig bread pudding, Season. Well after Season got her bread pudding I went to hear her church choir perform in Old Town Alexandria. Season belongs to a Pentacostal church. What did I learn from going to that service? If you scream, shout or sing loud enough, God will surely hear you and if you don't meet your fundraising goal, hold up the service till the congregation gives enough so that you do. The former makes no sense to me and the latter is pretty smart. I have a question, at the service the leaders would keep on saying that God is in our presence. If He is in our presence, do you really need 14 speakers for a room that would only hold about 400 ppl for God to hear you? If I whisper a prayer alone in the night, doesn't God hear that? I love the tambourines, I loved the dancing up to the front to give your tithe, I loved seeing Season. Pentacostal church is not for me every week, but it is good to go to a church and be able to give a joyful noise to the Lord every so often.

Later that night I got to see Krystal and Alicia who I met this summer. Woo-hoo. We tried to find some p()rl\l that (I have been told by some reliable sources who like internet searches) Sean Abbananto has been in, to no avail. Oh well, will have to try some other time, if anyone has Night Dreams(1999) or Playboy's Sensual Fantasy for Lovers on tape, I would love a copy. After that we hung out with friends of a friend of a friend out in BFE. Geez, the Telegraph Rd. exit off the beltway, way too far for me. I think I scared them with the friends of a friend of a friend. They were a little weird. We did get to see Scooby Doo, which my baby would have loved. She loves Scooby. Saw that, had a couple of drinks and didn't participate in any illegal activity. Fun night all around.

Well, there ya go, my week-end in a nutshell.

My heart is in Turkey.


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