I was going to post about this earlier, but I didn't have time in asia to do so. My mother is a little obessed with make-up, no she doesn't wear a lot, but she can talk to a sales associate for two to three hours about make up. Right now her current thing is Shu Uemura a line out of Japan that uses a lot of deep sea water. Well their new product is White Recovery. Something that is supposed to inhibit melanin production and therefore lighten the skin. I guess this really isn't a friday find, considering this product is only available in Asia, but it does show that Asia is still a lot like how Europe and the US used to be....being tan wasn't seen as a good thing. Now I have a bottle of WR Whitening Lotion in my medicine cabinet. But their cleansing oils are great. It won't dry out your face and great alternative to soap. Shu Uemura is available at Sephora online and twelve stores in the US. Scary, one of the twelve stores is in Kansas City.
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