
So, I'm sitting here watching elimidate, don't ask why I am watching the show, just know that I am watching it. So, there's this South African (by the by, his 'occupation': professional rugby player, gee, that or football, wouldn't have been a surprise) who is competing against four other guys for the affection of one girl. And throughout the show, they do small 'confessional' type cut aways, and the show keeps on putting subtitles, SUBTITLES, on the screen whenever the South African talks. Even during the 'date' portion of the show, everyone will talk, but then the South African talks, and there are subtitles. That's damn funny, the guy is a native english speaker, and they don't think that the American viewing public can understand him through his accent. Yes, I would like an iced coffee, that's for you Peter.

Another quiz:

i am not indie at all!

How indie are you?
test by ridethefader

Who are you trying to fool? Just because you own a couple of Weezer albums
doesn't mean that you're uberindie. Indie people don't hear about cutting edge
new bands from MTV. At least the ignorant don't know what they're missing...

So, I'm not inde, now I have to go on a quest to become indie. I must give up all my tight fitting and/or black clothing and now only wear tight fitting cotton-Ts, kahki, or the equivilant, pants and jewlery that invovles either a. leather or b. metal that is not precious in any way, shape or form. After I become indie, I can go back to university, learn be a computer engineer and make my blog all that it can be. Yea, no.

Still waiting on ten million kisses, nudge, nudge, wink, wink, you know who you are...


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