Something is wrong with blogger, hopefully it will work itself out...(she says very hopefully)...
I really need to remember not to surf the internet before I go to sleep. Very odd dream last night, involved me being fat (why am I so obessed with this? Damn Derek!), me wearing bad clothing, not having the appropriate clothing with me on a trip and going to House Parties again (like that'd happen, I've been enough). Very, very odd dream.
Well, I am happy to report that I will not have to go to
posted by mscruz @ 12:27 AM
Ok, so, people have asked me, how is it to live with three skinheads, and answering this question is good enough for me to make a second post today. Oh, yea, I really do live with three skinheads, I do not say that to be hardcore or something, they really are skinheads.
Two of the boys in the house have been drinking for the last three hours since the oi band practice ended, about 30 minutes ago they come upstairs. One moons the other and then puts his ass on everything in the other guy's room. The other guy takes exeption to it. They have been fighting/wrestling/smack talking in the hallway since then. I had to lock my door becuase a couple of times they burst through. The guy who puts his ass on everything has his pants down while they are wrestling. Literally. I don't mean just his pants, actually he has no pants on, his ass is showing. It's not pretty. The thrid guy in the house has tried to break it up a couple of times, but of course it does not work. He has just sent them outside to fight things out, thank god our neighbors are not the kind to call on a domestic disturbance. It's a good thing in this instance.
An evening in the life of a girl who lives with three skinheads. Now you know.
I think this thing is coming along. Soon I can add little smily faces to show my current mood, I can list everything that I am doing, ie, what I am currently reading, listening to, interested in, colour I'm wearing....yea, no, I'm not going to.
Instead, you get a rant. First why doesn't this thing have spell check? It's damn annoying. Second, why are guys stupid? I have always been better friends with men than I have with women. Men have less hang-ups, they get less jealous and catty and things like that. Surprisingly, or not, most of my good girl friends get along better with guys than they do girls. The problem you run into with guys is as soon as you are friendly, some think you are a little more than friendly and you just might be interested. If he is interested in you and the guy is not sure you are interested in him; he will talk to you and be your very good friend until you break down and date him. Or he finds another girl who is willing to break down and date him. But then you run into a much greater problem: the guy becomes not such a good friend. Fine, whenever you start to date someone, you tend to spend less time with your friends, everyone does it. You ought not do it to the point where you loose a friend. That is not kosher and the basis of this rant. If you are a good friend to someone, there for someone when they need you, dating someone is not a good, valid reason to stop talking to them. It is confusing, it is hurtful and shows your artificialness (this is where spell check would come in handy, is this really a word? Does it matter, shows a point). I always thought I was a pretty good judge of character. I try to accept my friends for who they are and that includes their faults, as I hope that my friends accept me. I guess sometimes, I think I know someone, then I really get to see their true nature. Yes, yes, I know this has happened to me in a couple very big and bad ways in the past and I ought to know better, but I am still disappointed. Not so much in myself for my misjudgement, but in the friend, for not being there.
I guess I should clean my room now. I have promised myself that I would clean for at least five hours today. Do you think I can get my room clean in five hours? We'll see.
Guitar players are hot.
Ok, so I think, think I have this commenting thing figured out. Soon, I will add links....
So, lets have a recap of Chirstmas. Went home to Kansas City. Saw some good friends, had a great time taking a gnome. Saw a baby ("I doing"). Pretty good.
Recap of gifts. A couple of pointless gifts, but that's ok, got stuff that I could use instead. Finally, I have personal gear to go diving in. Yay! And I have shoes to go dancing in, yay! Not a bad Christmas.
Where did my royal blanket go?
So, it's Christmas...
Let's see what I did today. Ate. Sat on the couch. Watched many many episodes of Trading Spaces. Now I am watching The West Wing. Fun, fun. Lazy, lazy day.
Well, I have gotten most of my shopping done, but of course I will do a ton of shopping tomorrow. My life is shopping. Then again, what else do you do in Kansas City? I still have to send out half the Christmas cards (oops) and finish shopping for my mom. Woo-hoo.
Soon, I will return to the normal East Coast, where most people are thinner. Although, there I will be sad. I miss my Fugo!
So, the holidays are upon us, which is evidenced by how many pointless gifts I have recieved. Do I really need a smelly birdhouse ornament complete with pink birds that look surprisingly like peeps? If I ever get hungry and desperate, did the giver of the gift think I might enjoy a not-so-tasty treat? Why do we give gifts that we would not have a use for ourselves, just in the name of giving? I think the American machine of capitalism has overrun everything, we have to buy, and give only becuase it is Christmas. Just like once there were ads saying it was our patriotic duty to buy. Americans really are very materialistic.
Ok, so the holidays come along with all of it's own obligations. Where am I on my list? This list seems to be overtaking my life.
1. Still haven't gotten around to finishing shopping for the family. Really should get on that.
2. Finished shopping for co-workers, now onto friends.
3. Still haven't packed a thing.
4. Spent more time with the man, yay! Will spend more time with the man, yay!
5. Party tonight, party tommorrow.
6. Doesn't look like the movie thing will happen.
7. Wrote 23 Christmas cards, then ran out, have to go buy more Christmas cards.
At least I have made significant progress on one of the many many things that I have to get done before 6am Sunday morning. Notice how the first two things and last thing is all about buying something.
Cannot wait for the holidays to be over....
It seriously scares me how many pictures there are of me on the internet that I just don't know about.
Ok, so I really really really need to sit down and figure out how to do this comment thing. I think it will be a lot more interesting if people could post their ideas of what I am writing. Or it could be really bad idea, but I think I have editing rights....things to look into as soon as I have time.
Speaking of time, let's see how I did on my list. The line by line:
1. Haven't finished Christmas shopping for the family.
2. Got one gift for a friend, still have about 7 to go.
3. Haven't packed a thing.
4. Spent a little time with the skating here we come.
5. Parties are this week-end.
6. Tired to see one movie last night, but of course, it was sold out.
7. Haven't touched the Christmas cards.
Well, well, I haven't really done a thing on my list and now I only have about 2.5 days to get it done. I've got to get on the ball about this, especially considering my mom called me last night with more gifts to buy.
So, what did I do last night, you ask? Well, I bought a lot of little stuff, went to ConvenienceValueService, WalMart and a scented candle store. Dyed a certain someone's hair back to a normal colour. And I had a very very nice late meal. Yea, pretty much didn't do a thing about that list of things to do. I should get on that.
Tis the season..........
Well, I really need to find out how to do this weblog thing. Like, make links or put comments or do all sorts of cool stuff. Here is a link for you. Damn funny stuff.
Ok, I guess I'm supposed to say what is going on in my life. Work...there's a lot of it, and I seem to spend insane amounts of time here. Sometime this week I must:
1. Finish Christmas shopping for the family.
2. Start Christmas shopping for the friends.
3. Pack up all of my gifts to take home to Kansas City.
4. Spend quality time with the man before he leaves for a month.
5. Go to two parties.
6. See two movies.
7. Write and send about 20 Christmas cards.
I have about 3.5 days to do this all. Hmmmmm.....something's not going to happen.
Check this out. I have one word: MOVIE.
So, this is my new page on the web........hmmmmm...........what to do with it. I guess what all the cool kids have are blogs, so here's mine.