
Ok, so I really really really need to sit down and figure out how to do this comment thing. I think it will be a lot more interesting if people could post their ideas of what I am writing. Or it could be really bad idea, but I think I have editing rights....things to look into as soon as I have time.

Speaking of time, let's see how I did on my list. The line by line:
1. Haven't finished Christmas shopping for the family.
2. Got one gift for a friend, still have about 7 to go.
3. Haven't packed a thing.
4. Spent a little time with the man...ice skating here we come.
5. Parties are this week-end.
6. Tired to see one movie last night, but of course, it was sold out.
7. Haven't touched the Christmas cards.
Well, well, I haven't really done a thing on my list and now I only have about 2.5 days to get it done. I've got to get on the ball about this, especially considering my mom called me last night with more gifts to buy.
So, what did I do last night, you ask? Well, I bought a lot of little stuff, went to ConvenienceValueService, WalMart and a scented candle store. Dyed a certain someone's hair back to a normal colour. And I had a very very nice late meal. Yea, pretty much didn't do a thing about that list of things to do. I should get on that.


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