
So, the holidays are upon us, which is evidenced by how many pointless gifts I have recieved. Do I really need a smelly birdhouse ornament complete with pink birds that look surprisingly like peeps? If I ever get hungry and desperate, did the giver of the gift think I might enjoy a not-so-tasty treat? Why do we give gifts that we would not have a use for ourselves, just in the name of giving? I think the American machine of capitalism has overrun everything, we have to buy, and give only becuase it is Christmas. Just like once there were ads saying it was our patriotic duty to buy. Americans really are very materialistic.

Ok, so the holidays come along with all of it's own obligations. Where am I on my list? This list seems to be overtaking my life.
1. Still haven't gotten around to finishing shopping for the family. Really should get on that.
2. Finished shopping for co-workers, now onto friends.
3. Still haven't packed a thing.
4. Spent more time with the man, yay! Will spend more time with the man, yay!
5. Party tonight, party tommorrow.
6. Doesn't look like the movie thing will happen.
7. Wrote 23 Christmas cards, then ran out, have to go buy more Christmas cards.
At least I have made significant progress on one of the many many things that I have to get done before 6am Sunday morning. Notice how the first two things and last thing is all about buying something.
Cannot wait for the holidays to be over....


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