
I think this thing is coming along. Soon I can add little smily faces to show my current mood, I can list everything that I am doing, ie, what I am currently reading, listening to, interested in, colour I'm wearing....yea, no, I'm not going to.

Instead, you get a rant. First why doesn't this thing have spell check? It's damn annoying. Second, why are guys stupid? I have always been better friends with men than I have with women. Men have less hang-ups, they get less jealous and catty and things like that. Surprisingly, or not, most of my good girl friends get along better with guys than they do girls. The problem you run into with guys is as soon as you are friendly, some think you are a little more than friendly and you just might be interested. If he is interested in you and the guy is not sure you are interested in him; he will talk to you and be your very good friend until you break down and date him. Or he finds another girl who is willing to break down and date him. But then you run into a much greater problem: the guy becomes not such a good friend. Fine, whenever you start to date someone, you tend to spend less time with your friends, everyone does it. You ought not do it to the point where you loose a friend. That is not kosher and the basis of this rant. If you are a good friend to someone, there for someone when they need you, dating someone is not a good, valid reason to stop talking to them. It is confusing, it is hurtful and shows your artificialness (this is where spell check would come in handy, is this really a word? Does it matter, shows a point). I always thought I was a pretty good judge of character. I try to accept my friends for who they are and that includes their faults, as I hope that my friends accept me. I guess sometimes, I think I know someone, then I really get to see their true nature. Yes, yes, I know this has happened to me in a couple very big and bad ways in the past and I ought to know better, but I am still disappointed. Not so much in myself for my misjudgement, but in the friend, for not being there.


I guess I should clean my room now. I have promised myself that I would clean for at least five hours today. Do you think I can get my room clean in five hours? We'll see.

Guitar players are hot.


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