
Tis the season..........

Well, I really need to find out how to do this weblog thing. Like, make links or put comments or do all sorts of cool stuff. Here is a link for you. Damn funny stuff.

Ok, I guess I'm supposed to say what is going on in my life. Work...there's a lot of it, and I seem to spend insane amounts of time here. Sometime this week I must:
1. Finish Christmas shopping for the family.
2. Start Christmas shopping for the friends.
3. Pack up all of my gifts to take home to Kansas City.
4. Spend quality time with the man before he leaves for a month.
5. Go to two parties.
6. See two movies.
7. Write and send about 20 Christmas cards.
I have about 3.5 days to do this all. Hmmmmm.....something's not going to happen.

Check this out. I have one word: MOVIE.


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