

What have I realized from all the time spent in my office in front of my computer? Something mind-blowing like the meaning of life? That God really exists and like they tell me I do His work? That there is meaning in the mindless work that I, and many like me in cubicles, do day in, day out? No, none of those things. I have reaffirmed that it is impossible to work in a hot space. Cold, yes, hot, no. It's the middle of winter and I would kill for a fan....

I really hope that I never end up in a friends group like the people on Friends. You only hang out with a certain people with any regularity, and that means you only hang with them, and they only hang with you. Some people in the group date or hook up with each other. And everyone thinks of you with them, never just of you. Kind-a weird and very co-dependent.


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