
Cold weather reading

There is nothing worse than the feeling of walking out your door and a wave of cold fall air hitting you in the face heralding the coming winter. Actually, there is something worse, getting out of cold brackish water, taking off your wetsuit and shivering as you change from a bathing suit to clothes as that cold fall air hits your whole wet body. Well, in honour of the cold weather two things:

First an activitiy, the National Book Fest will be held tomorrow on National Mall. Organized by the LoC, this is a fabulous festival, especially if you like to/can read. And if you're not into reading, but watching TV, TLC's Paige Davis from Trading Spaces will speak. I love that show.

And then in honour of the dive this week-end, some information about the asian oysters that are being tested for large scale release in the Chesapeake Bay. The oysters are released on a limited basis to test their viability in the Bay. Hopefully the sterile asian oysters will help the decimated native oyster population and allow a viable oyster industry to return to the Bay. This project has been fast tracked, so we should see results soon.

Now playing: Hangama 2002, the best Indian techno.


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