This week-end and other things
Although I wasn't able to do what I originally planned, I had quite an enjoyable week-end. Well, barring one incident. The nice thing about living in a pseudo-college town is there are sometimes interesting places to go. It seems like I can find two other female friends and three male friends and hang out at a Central Perk of my own, which is appropriately named College Perk. If you're up the College Park way, definately check it out. It's a great place, very nice and laid-back.
[This next part is going to have nothing to do with Washington, DC, but is just me writing about this week-end, so don't read if you don't want to, it's going to be long.]
Speaking of two female friends, I actually had two female friends come and stay with me this week-end. All we had to do was find the three guys and then all live above a coffee house, I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon, not to mention, I'm not white, so no Friends-like existance for me, unless I'm some periphery character that propmtly gets dumped after a few months.
Oh well, moving on.
My friends used to live above me for one summer. That was a great summer, if I could summer like that in Washington, DC, I would do it every summer. The three of us haven't been together since last year's spring break and it was good to have all of us in one place, we of course started talking a lot about relationships. TWC was known as a great relationsip-ender. Almost everyone I knew who walked in with a bf or gf, walked out without one or with a different one. The only two relationships that I knew to survive had his gf in town or she went and the other saw her bf every week-end in Ohio. Surprisingly enough my friends and I are all in a bit of a transition period, so we talked about moving and relationships and starting a new life somewhere and enjoying it. We've agreed on a couple of things.
We've all decided that it's good to have a life outside of your bf/gf. My friends and I can't even imagine spending every waking moment with the person we are dating and the moments that we're not with that person, we miss them and think about them constantly. No, that's kind-a high school and it's a lot obessive. One of my friends made it a point to never take classes with the one she was dating. She was fine if she met someone in class, but then she wouldn't schedule classes with that person. All of us make it a point to have several different interests from that of our bfs. If you do everything with the one that you're dating, what happens when you break-up? Why can't you stand to be away from that person? Actually that question should be the more important question. Why don't you have a life or intersts of your own? Most importantly, have friends of your own. If all your friends are also friends of your bf/gf then, find some friends of your own. And big no, friends from high school or back home don't count. These are friends you can talk to and go out with on the week-ends, and very pointfully, not hang out with your bf/gf.
This is kind-a happening to one of my friends, and although who needs to read this won't, I'm still going to say it: If you've ever said that the one you're dating has brought happiness to your life and no one else can make you that happy and you're pretty serious about that statement, then you need to dump whoever you're dating and find happiness on your own. How sad and pathetic are you that someone else has to make you happy? Yes, sure, you say that the one you're dating makes you happy, and he or she should, but you shouldn't say that the one you're dating brought happiness to your life, that you're life was boring and/or nothing without them, and no one else can do that. No, really truely, you should be able to make yourself happy on your own and your life fulfilled on your own.
One other thing, that's kinda on this topic: don't kill yourself. We've decided this is very key. Don't over extend yourself, don't do too much, make sure that you have time to just sit back by yourself. If every minute of your day is planned and that plan includes time with your bf/gf, or you schedule things around them, then you really need to evaluate your schedule and not do that. Life is so much more than constantly doing something with someone, sometimes you need time to just have fun, unplanned, that means away from your bf/gf too.
My friends are also making long term decisions about whether or not not move in with the ones they are dating. Not surprisingly, their bfs are for it and my friends are not sure about it. Never move in with the one that you are dating, not unless it's some emergency. It's just never a good idea, things can go so horribly wrong. Also, I think it's just weird. Unless you have a wedding date set, why move in together? I don't like to flaunt it in my family's face that I'm schtuping my bf. Also, I like my own space, I like alone time, me time. If you don't feel like you want/need time alone in space of your own, well grow up. Needing space of your own is a major motivating factor in moving out of your parents house. If you don't feel that need after you've started college or graduation, then you really need to grow up and mature into yourself. You shouldn't use other people as crutches.
There ya go, three nice points, following the rule of three. Have to see if that stands
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