
Falling down

I don't know if anyone else has noticed, but I sure have, there seem to be a few townhouses that are collapsing around DC. More than I normally hear about. First it was a house near Logan/Thomas Circle where the third floor gave out and pancaked onto all the other floors. Now, it's gotten to Georgetown, where students pay around $3000 for a townhouse that will fall down around them and on everything they had. It's great to know that even though you pay a inflated price to live in an old and possibly run-down townhouse in Washington, DC it's not even structurally sound enough to stand on it's own.

Today I must find something that epitomizes Washington, DC. An intern? No, can't bring one of those in luggage. The Capitol or at least a fake plastic replica of it, no, not very useful. How many times does anyone really need a miniture boobs and phallic symbols? Disenfranchisement? I can tell them that they have no right to vote for Congressional representatives, but chances are they alreay choose not to vote. Hmmmm, this is quite the dillemma, one that I have to solve within the next 3 hours. I guess I'm heading of to Union Station to see what the vendors there can sell me for an outrageous price.

I'll be out of town for the next five days, so updating will be sporadic.


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