
Crazy cost of housing

Well, I went a saw two places last night. One was in DC, Mt. Pleasant to be exact. Beautiful house, fully renovated, washer and dryer on site and even parking in the back, five blocks from the metro. The catch you ask? It's $3500 for six bedrooms and a couple of the bedrooms are 8x7ft. Hmmmmmm, that's a little pricey, no matter what neighborhood it's in. So, I went and I saw a place in College Park, this is a little off the beaten path, a townhouse, but mintues to the Metro and a nice quiet neighborhood where I never have to worry about parking or safety and the price is right $425 for everything, even my own phone line. Hmmmmm, it's not what I want. I want a place of my own, in walking distance to the Metro and a little closer to the city. I have to decide soon though. The place that's in College Park, well, I've got to take it soon. I wish I could make a decision.

I read the other day something that is very true. Rob Sama says, "Bloggers blog most about blogging. It's an oddly self-absorbed culture of people making self-referential posts." Yea, very true. Blogging is like this odd cult where people have their own language (that includes emotioncons), concerns (such as uptime and bandwith usage) and can be obessed with how many people and who exactly visits their site (yes, good ole extreme tracking). We all talk about what we've added to the site, although it's self evident, we talk about the downtime becuase it's annoying, but then there's this group who talks about nothing but blogging or what they do in their daily lives with their blog...and that's where it becomes a little too self-absorbed. So, if you blog, try not to be narcissistic in your next post, don't be that guy.


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