
Playing on the Mall

So, today I start WAFC, yes that's right, the Washington Area Frisbee Club. To further my status as a 'young professional in DC,' I'm joining one of those clubs that you can see almost every day of the summer playing in some park around the Mall or the Potomac. I am not much of a softball player and there are many many different soccer (or football for those non-Americans) games I could have joined, but for some reason frisbee seemed much more my speed. I guess it's not enough to just go to work, then go to happy hour to really call yourself a Washingtonian, you've got to get some game on on the Mall. I don't know why it started, this need to throw or kick or hit things around national monuments, but it is something that is integral to Washington, DC, and I'm joining in. And this isn't the only game I'm joining in either. I've also joined a pick up game that plays every Thursday at the mall at CUA/National Shrine. Wow, that's going to be two ultimate frisbee games for me some weeks. Hope I'm in shape.

After CPR/AED training this morning we are having a luau of sorts of work. Everyone had to wear hawaiian shirts, or in my case a skirt, and bring something for a BBQ. I have to see if anyone brought the jungle juice, now that would really make a party.


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