

Well, as you may have noticed, I went ahead with the layout change, although I haven't change my server host yet. This is much easier on the eye and less cutesy. I would hate to appear cutesy even though I love my cartoon characters. I also got a place for my pictures to reside, though I need to lessen the quality of each file so I can put more on. Yay for Fuat for the space! Also, after six days of no internet at the house, now have access to the virtual world again!

For those of you living on the east coast, you've notice a lack of sun in the last month or so. I heard from my dive instructor that in the month of May we had 27 days of deary dismal weather; and that was even before the month was over. Where's the infamous hot DC summer? How can we be well on the way to insanely humid by mid-June if we're not even hitting 70 on a daily basis now? Boo the current weather. Maybe I should move from this dreary, dismal, sunless place.
Well, being back in the housing hunt means a lot of open houses. Woo. Yea, not so much. I found the city of Takoma Park's housing online to be almost completely worthless to find housing. You're better off just doing it through different search engines like on msn.com or getting an apartment guide book. The only good thing about the prolonged housing search is that I am slowly accumulating furniture and other accessories for the home. I can actually have my own bedroom and fully stocked kitchen; that's a big step. Soon, I will start to accumulate things for outside the bedroom, like something to sit and/or eat on, could be important at some point. Ikea will get even more of my money.

Yea, baby swingin' NYC here I come. A week-end in the city, woo-hoo! Might even see Shuggie. If you don't know them, check them out, great band from Ireland.


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