
Moving on out

No, I am not moving out, but the crazy roommate missing part of his head did. Yes, the filthy Howard University Law student is gone, and it's great. For two days in a row the kitchen sink has not had any dirty dishes in it. It's amazing. Kinda sad that that's what amazes me these days. He did leave a few things behind. In the six months that he lived in the house, he only cleaned the downstairs bathroom once. So, now we have a filthy dirty bathroom. He, the brilliant law student who was accepted to "Princeton Law," drove his U-Haul on to the lawn, not such a problem except that it had rained and rained and rained. Hmmmm, loaded down trailer plus muddy wet ground will give you: huge tire ruts in the lawn. It's one thing to drive a truck through a yard, it's another thing to leave ruts that are inches deep. The skinhead roommates think that he might have bought a bag of dirt that was on our driveway for a while, so he could fill the ruts, but then it was gone. Might have been stolen for all we know.

Thank god no more filthy roommate, but he was sure to leave something for us to remember him by.

Today is City Paper housing search day. Some updating to this site. Soon I'll fix that navigation bar on the left.


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