
Changes on the way....

Well, some decisions have been made and changes will soon happen. I was thinking of doing a layout change, but then since I have chosen a server host and blog program(I really don't know what to call it), I'll just wait till I move over then I'll make the layout changes. In anticipation of the move I've finally updated my links. I think I have everyone down that I know with a page. I seemed to know more people with pages once-upon-a-time, but not anymore. Hmmmmm, could it be that pages just aren't cool anymore, and why then do I have a blog, or do I just hang with a bunch of people who DO NOT spend hours upon hours in front of the computer trying to choose the perfect colour for their banner on a Saturday night (and I really have spent Saturday nights with friends doing just that)? Yea, I'm thinking and hoping, it's option two.

Well this week-end I went "diving" and camping in NC. Why is "diving" in quotation marks you ask? Well becuase I didn't actually get to dive. Sixteen hours in a car, a night spent in a rainy, rainy campsite and god knows how much money and no dive. The dive shop's captains determined that diving on both days over the week-end would be too dangerous. We were blown out. Saturday we were supposed to dive in the morning and then we got bumped to a later time, the later time, blown out. Sunday, we thought the storm that we had weathered the night before would be all over and that we could dive, the captain took us out and we tried, but again, we were blown out. Stupid wind. It was a good time, I went with some UMD kids and we saw the Olney Dive Club and got to take two boat rides out in to the Atlantic. The kids were cool, except for a couple of last minute problems before the trip and right before they left. Hopefully we'll do this again sometime. Oh, and yes, I do camp, have camped many times this year and I even own my own camping gear that goes beyond a sleeping bag. Yes, I have worn heels and a skirt to a camp site and set up a tent that way.

The highlight of my trip: seeing Krystal and her boyfriend Greg. And ha-ha to all the njlc/cslc kids out there, I got to meet Greg before any of you did. We got to catch up on old friends and what we are doing. Then we went out to Chapel Hill and got to hear a lot, and I mean a lot, of Turkish being spoken. Oh, also, right before I left, I found out that I have a roommate to go housing hunting with! Yay for Sean! So, not a bad week-end in all.

I didn't want to go on this trip in the frist place, but it was ok that I did. I got to see Krystal and some squirrles mating.

Tommorrow/maybe after that:I'll start focusing what I'm writing about my blog. Maybe.


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