

So, Washington, DC yet again made the top five of Forbes' list of Best Cities for Singles. And my hometown, Kansas City, MO, it was in the bottom five, number 36 our of 40 to be exact. Forbes looks at many things that seem to be very subjective such as nightlife, culture, coolness and buzzfactor. There are a few objective standards, singles ratio, cost of living alone and job growth. It's good to know that I moved from a city that has virtually no singles life to one that's one of the best in the country.
On a side note, I met Steve Forbes once. It was back when I was in college, actually I think my freshman year. I was at Princeton for something or other and a few of us went out to dinner in the town. There in the back of a restaurant was Steve Forbes, and yes, he really does look that weird in person, especially when he smiles. Very freaky in a way, but when you're that rich... Some in the group got his autograph, but I didn't, he was in the middle of dinner at all.

I also want to say that I hate going north of the beltway on Georgia Ave. For the second week in a row I've had to make the trek up to "Silver Spring" north. I really, really wouldn't call that area Silver Spring. It's Wheaton/Glenmont/Aspen Hill/Olney or whatever. Silver Spring is the nicely densely populated area at Colesville Rd and East-West Hwy. Up in Wheaton/Glenmont/Aspen Hill/Olney it's way too north, the traffic is horrific, the gas is expensive, and it's the epitome of suburban sprawl. If I wanted suburban sprawl I would have stayed in Kansas City. Why keep going there if you don't like it, you ask? Becuase, I scuba dive and I need gear and to go to meetings. Hmmm, maybe I will forego the meetings and just go on the trips.....that way I can avoid that area and that silly road.


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