
Back in the saddle

Well, I'm seriously back in the housing hunt. Tonight I will go and see a group house at 16th and Park then later this week I hopefully I'll see a place in College Park. The apartment hunt with Sean has gone no where. I have no time to take a day and just drive around Takoma Park and Silver Spring looking at apartments. Maybe, maybe, I will find time this week-end, which should put me in good shape because then the apartment buildings will actually have an idea of what is available, then again, they might have waitlists and that's when I would be screwed. Oh well, have to see.

At least I have some concerns taken care of, namely furniture. While I don't have general/public use furniture, such as a dining table, chairs and a sofa, I do have almost all the furniture needed for my bedroom. I finished that up this week-end thanks to Ikea and Fuat. I am good to move into an unfurnished bedroom and I am really hoping to do that soon. I hope that all the furniture I got is not as crappy as my friend Andy predicts and that it actually lasts for a few years. I know it will last for a few years, but as Andy said, Ikea is what you get until you can afford something better. I know that I won't be able to afford anything better for a while, a long while, this better last until then. I'm really hoping of going out this summer to all the different markets that are around the city. Eastern Market is always a good one. Maybe I'll find some nice "vintage"(read:beat up but somewhat cool looking) furniture for my future abode.


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