
Some changes a happening....

Soon, very soon, I will be making some changes, and not only to this blog. I've heard blogger is on the fritz, maybe I should look into a different service, any suggestions? My auto archive never worked anyway.

I went to Orlando the week-end before last and was able to do something called Dive Quest. I got to dive in the Living Seas exhibit at Epcot. It was amazing. My first dive in warm water, my first dive with many many fishes and the visibility? Wall to wall, about 200ft+. Then I found out I was rejected from CHGroupHouse, and that sucked. Oh well, who wants to live in a hippie commune with six other people and make dinner for them twice a week anyway? The housing hunt continues....does it really ever end in DC?

When I got back from Orlando, I was as sick as a dog. It sucked, but I did have Fuat to care for me, and he is fabulous. This week-end Fuat took me to a Turish dinner with him and 21 other Turks at a Turkish restaurant. Very good food, nice people, it was a great dinner. Although, I had a Turk actually turn to me and try to describe one of his favourite desserts, he was like, it has marshmellows and this fire....yes, he was describing s'mores, and that was funny. Here he is, a Turk, trying to introduce me, an American, to an american camping staple.


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