
Rainy days

In an ode to the warm, sunny weather that we just had and now not-so-much on the sun and the warmth, I'm going to post about my visit to the Cherry Blossoms.

Last week, after returning from a trip to York, PA, I ran down to see the Cherry Blossoms while they were still in peak bloom. It's DC's annual ritual to see how many residents, tourists, strollers, dogs, bikers and runners can all fit on a 6ft wide sidewalk and how many commuters and buses can fit onto the neighboring streets. Yea, it's a bit crowded, but for a very good reason. It is really truely one of the most fabulous sites that I have seen. It's even more fabulous when it's sunrise or dusk over the tidal basin. If you haven't seen it, well you missed it. Almost inevitably, as the cherry blossoms bloom, there's one huge storm that comes along and takes half the flowers with it. I think NYC even got a foot of snow. No fun. So, got to wait till next year.

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