
Random Posting

Ok, I've been working, working like crazy working and I haven't posted in a while. I got back yesterday from a two day business trip to York, PA where I watched little old ladies and their husbands get large amounts of candy and probably go into a diabetic comma later that day. I missed the chance to participate in Make fun of Cheney Day. D'oh. I don't think that my last post really made fun of him, and I don't think I will do justice in this one, but then again, I am two days late and I fully blame it on the candy hungry little old ladies in York, PA. So, Cheney, I don't understand how a man with a heart condition such as his, is able to go around a lob bombs at another country in a campaign of shock and awe. This man's heart couldn't even survive the attack, yet he subjects thousands of people to it on a nightly basis. If he weren't some rich, political white oil tycoon, he would be dead now. Ok, not so much as make fun of Cheney as much as an indict against him.

So, Season thinks I'm like Carrie from Sex in the City(See 27 March comments). I haven't seen that many episodes, considering that I don't have cable in my room and we don't have premium channels in the house, but for some reason being likened to a rather promiscuous, not-so-close-to-being married writer living in NYC doesn't seem all that appealing. But thanks anyway and I'll take it as a compliment, especially since she did say I was a smart Carrie. I will say, I don't think that I comment as much about my love life publically, like in a blog or in a column like Carrie would. I hope I never really do. I think you loose something special, something secret when you talk too openly about something that is very close to your heart. If something is close to you, you know it's close to your heart. Public declarations aren't necessary to make it real. Yea, I do talk somewhat about what goes on, but not whole paragraphs, definately not on a regular basis, just one line here and there. If I felt the need to declare it all the time, especially in a public forum, I would ask myself, why? Do I really beleive in what I am saying, or am I trying to make it real by putting it in print for all to see?


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