Trip and something funny....
Well, last week-end I headed up again to the Big Apple. Woo-hoo, even though I can never picture myself living up there, for some reason it always draws me back. I don't know why. I think New Yorkers can be rude and insensitive, but still, I want to go up and hang with them. Oh well, makes no sense. I stayed with my good friend Alanna and it was very good to see her. Fuat came too, yay, and we made a week-end out of doing things relating to the Chinese or Lunar New year. First when we got there we saw a concert and with my friend Jenn and I got some funny pictures from New Year's Eve near Times Sq. Will post those on the web soon. The next day we went to Chinatown and bought some lucky money envelopes and some other things like dragon (acutally lion) heads. Had some Peking Duck, hmmmm good, and got some ice cream moon cake, hmmmm really good. After that, it was off to Ikea. I finally got some honest to goodness furniture. I really have to decide what I am going to do about my housing. We also went to H & M, although I am not a fan of the Germans, I do like H & M and I spent some money there. And to top it off, we went to Korean BBQ. I love that stuff. There was another week-end in the city.
I found this link. Since my friend Alanna might make my, "I lived with three skinheads and all I got was this lousy T-shirt" shirt (thanks Mike H. for the idea), I was looking at to see what else is out there. I found this. Kina disturbing. I know I would have bought it in my day of debating, and let me tell you that, that day lasted, oh about 10 years or so, but now it just scares me. I think the most disturbing T-shirt is the Debate Princess one with the scrolling letters and little crown. I know no self respecting male or female debater that would ever wear that, not even as a joke for a short period of time. I really wonder if that sells, and if it does, I want to meet the girl that bought it in all seriousness, thinking it was cute and great becuase she was a debater. There's just a certain amount of jadedness, cynicism that you find in debaters, especially the good girl ones. Debate Princess, my god.
Either some dorky debater has a good sense of humour (not very likely) and a good sense of business (debate is a huge industry, how many tubs have been sold to debaters alone?) or someone with a good sense of humour and business accumen who is not a debater made these shirts. The former is just unlikely and the latter, who's hanging around debaters who isn't a dork themselves? Makes me wonder.
Hugo, why don't you come and help me work?