

I've been thinking about this blog and how much I don't post to it. Then I get some guilt about not posting as much as I do to the other blog. Then I realize that I shouldn't care. And now I've wasted time thinking about all that that I could have just spent updating the blog. I really really want to post something, but that takes both time and there's the possibility people who I don't want to read it will, so, I'll hold off for now. Oooo, something funny happened to me this week-end. Yay for the internet.

"Myra also killed whatever "I"m leaving" instinct out of me. " From simply breathing. I like being able to kill feelings in another, but in a good way. Not in a destructive-ha-ha-I-have-power-over-you,-watch-me-use-it way. That's not cool. Don't do that. If someone has described you as in a master/slave or bitch relationship, even if it was a joke, you should look into that. All sarcastic jokes like that come from some truth and that's not a pretty truth. No one should be a master over another.

I watched Spice World this week-end, I love Richard Grant and he's going to be the next Doctor on Doctor Who, though the fifth Doctor will always be my favourite.
"Now hear this:"
That is all."


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