
Bad blogger

So, for the past few days I've been a very bad blogger. Can I blame it on the blackout? Or maybe the MSBlast worm? No? Well here's the real reason, I've moved and been out and about way too much in Washington, DC, while also trying to get my room and house ready for visitors. Unfortunately there hasn't been that much ballroom dancing, but there has been the last movie of Screen on the Green, remind me never too see a movie that drags on like Space Odessey: 2001 ever again at Movies on the Mall, a lot of hanging out with one of the funniest people I've met in a while (a quote from him:"Yeah, I checked them out. God, I forgot how ugly that bitch is. Eeeewww. Not with a ten-foot pole....I'll bet that's about the best ass he can get." Too bad he's leaving for Japan in a few weeks.), setting up my new room and house for all the people visiting/returning this week, and a WAFC end of the season team party. In WAFC my team ended the season 4th out of 27 or so teams. Not bad. I was told we could have taken it all. Oh well another time.

So, the summer is winding down. Just a couple weeks until the unofficial end of summer, Labour Day. If you hadn't gotten a chance yet, I would suggest taking a bike ride around the monuments in DC. It's a great way to end the summer and see some of the site in a new way and all in one day. You can pay for a tour, get a free one or plan one on your own. In addition to that, I'll cap my summer off with a trip to the Outer Banks Yay, the beach! Very traditional east-coast way to end the summer. Hopefully I'll even be able to get a few scuba dives in. Woo-hoo. Also, I'll be braving NYC this week-end. I hope that all the power is restored by then. My old college roommate Alanna was at NYU when the power went out, didn't even realise the power was out till she went outside, NYU has their own generators. Well, she had to walk it from NYU to Columbia, her sister lives near there. For those of you who don't know Manhattan all that well, NYU is one end of the island, Columbia, the other. That was over a 125 city block walk. I really hope that the subway is running by Sunday, it wasn't running today, and there's no way I'm humping it all over Manhattan.

Speaking of the blackout, I had my own blackout fun yesterday. I went to pick up Fuat from the airport. He had a direct flight from Amsterdam to Dulles. I had no idea there was a blackout affecting the Northeast and Canada. When I arrived at 3:30 there were people who had been waiting two hours already. Rumors abounded from the greeters for the international arrivals as to the cause of the delay. I know this, the computer system that they use to double check foreign travelers and inbound citizens was affected, it was taking the foreigners more than double the time of a US citizen to make through customs. International flights had been re-routed from NYC to Dulles and about 1,000 international passengers arrived in less than two hours. Almost all of those passengers had to be processed through customs. I waited about three hours for the Turk to make it through. It was worth a three hour wait with hundreds of others to pick my Turk up.

Yay, the Turk is back! My heart is in MD now.


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