

Wow, I used the terminology of the cool kids, instead of typing not much, I wrote nm. Ooooo, now I will start to have to use ttfn or l33t or ;0) Or not. Not much to really say, I guess you can check out all the gay marriage talk at Washington Post or at CNN or BBCi or even better the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. I would like to say that I have the USCCB website bookmarked at work. It's a great resource, truely.

Last night I went to the swing dance at Lulu's to help MH get ready for his big week-end in NYC. Tom of Tom and Debra fame came up and gave MH and I some pointers. I really forgot how all dance instructors sell their classes at social dances and how much people who dont' know how to dance (ie MH) stick out. We did ok, made me realize how much I need to dance more. Maybe I will even spend more time on UMD's campus and take a ballroom class fall semester. My friends have been encouraging me...we'll see.
This week-end is the big move, woo-hoo.

A turk belongs in MD.


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