faboo friday
So, spring is here! It came rather suddenly, I might add. With spring comes the joy of wearing lighter, brighter and more fun clothes! I know that nautical is in, and after my black sailor pants from the winter, I have kept the nautical trend with a very cute red skirt with sail boats from Anthropologie, unfortunately it's no longer available online, but the stores should have them still. If you want, they do have this very cute dress available online.
Is there a friendster bubble? Or is Friendster here to stay? I don't know, the amazing thing, I've never solicited anyone to join friendster and I have a decent number of friendsters. I don't know if that means that I have friends who like to join online communities or what?
Joy for the day: Walking to work (boo) and seeing the magnolias, cherry trees, daffodils,narcissus, and some crocus all in bloom.
There are times in my life that I really start to feel old. Last night was one of them. It started with happy hour, I had to pick a place that someone under 21 could get in, yea. Then I went to a friend's place, we'll call him Dick because he calls me Boo Boo Kitty, Dick had some people over for fondue. Two of those people are younger than us and Dick decides that he wants to watch the The Goonies, good movie. The two younger kids have never seen The Goonies or even heard of it. Dick can remember seeing it in the movie theatre and I remember seeing it at a friend's house when it came out on video, my 'rents aren't big movie goers. So, one of the younger ones turns to me and asks when it was release, I say maybe 1982 (it actually came out in 1985), he kid replies that he was 0 years old in 1982. Yea, way to make me feel OLD!
Fabulous Friday
I'm going to start a new posting series for the blog, I think I'll call it the Fabulous Friday Find. Yea, I'm a dork. Since I love to go shopping and I like to spread my aesthetic to others, I've decided the blog seems perfect. Hope you enjoy.
I did have one last Irish post in me. At Chocolate Moose in Farragut/Dupont I found this, the Irish accent breath spray, guaranteed to give whomever you love a deep Irish brogue and minty breath. Who doesn't want to listen to the Irish brogue all day long? I just hope there's enough in that small bottle to last the day.
This is such a great way to describe the residents of South Campus Commons:
"I don’t think many would have the patience to deal with the drama of some of the immature, ungrateful, and disrespectful college students. "
Yea, I actually heard someone complain about being "illegally" forced to live in the Commons during a power outage that affected pretty much everyone in the DC metro area. Was the whole metro area forced to be "illegally" live in their residences? Who should we sue? God, Mother Nature for the storm that caused the power outages? Or should the college students, who are supposed to be learning about how it is to live in an apartment with a lease and all that responsibility that comes with that, learn to grow up and handle things in the real world? I'd love to see that girl in a dorm in NYC, all of us who have a bigger view of the world all know what that can be like.