
Well, I haven't been very inspired lately to post, so I've just been slugging along, but along with that I can post about a completely Washington, DC phenomenon, slugging. The BBC has a good article about slugging today. For those of you who don't know slugging is when a commuter driver picks up a commuter passenger from some location in NorVA and takes them to a certain destination in Washington, DC. This is a reciprocal arrangement, the driver gets to use HOV lanes and the passenger gets a free ride into DC. I had a couple of friends who slugged to work for a while, both were females and they never had any problems. Even though this is a completely ad hoc run thing, there are a couple of websites dedicated to slugging information. Kinda reminds me of the jeepney of the Philippines.


Soon, I'll start the back posting, so if you care, you'll have to read past dates.


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