
DC has a great thing, it's called the DC Society of Young Professionals. Membership is free and the society hosts a couple of hundred events a year and also you can hear about a lot more. It's great, you're able to socialize with other people who are young and like to go out. Not only is it bar hopping, but they also schedule bike and walking tours of DC and the like.

The thing about DC is that the population here is pretty transient. Somewhat surprisingly the population peaks in about July when all the interns and half the college students are around. When the fall rolls around, then things start to slow down. Though, there are still the house parties. People who work for the government, especially the hill types, stick out like a sore thumb. They are always travelling in some pack, mostly upper middle-class people, sometime all white, with some button down shirt and khaki pants. Yea. And then there are the ones who all work for non-profits, who are normal and a diverse group of people. Speaking about this has sparked a bit of a rant. Something that has been irking me lately, white people using terms that just don't suit them, like shiznit or hizouse or biatch or aiight or chillin or something like that. Once in a while, if there is some context, it's darn funny. I used to ask someone for my bling bling, but either than that, to use it all the time, the humor is lost. If you grew up in the burbs or somewhere not near the inner city, you went to a good, probably mostly white high school and you would do the Office Space thing of singing along to rap, but when someone who you find questionable comes near your car roll up your window and you think that PG County and the SE is dangerous or would never live in the places that rappers grew up in, then it's not funny to add shiznat to your lexicon. Stop listening to rap music and thinking that you are down like that and take a reality check. You're probably white and well off and you really don't get it.


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