Today of all days is a good time to talk about being Catholic. Today begins the Lenten season a time of remembering our sins, asking for forgiveness and preparing for the renewal of Easter.
There's been a lot of talk lately in the media about Catholicism. Thanks to anti-Catholic things like the Da Vinci Code and pro-orthodox Catholic things like The Passion of Christ. Today the president of Catholic had an online discussion about the Passion of Christ. I think a great question was asked during and really shows how some people out there think they know, read things like the Da Vinci Code, then ask questions like this:
"Alexandria, Va.: If Jesus was born a Jew when did he become Catholic?"
That overall is one of the greatest questions ever.
Hopefully all this talk will spark some debate and discussion and people will learn a little about the Church. The Post has an article about The Passion of Christ and another one about the mystic that Gibson based a lot of his 'details' on.
There is also Opus Dei's response to the Da Vinci Code. And The London Times goes after the Da Vinci Code calling it, "without doubt, the silliest, most inaccurate, ill-informed, stereotype-driven, cloth-eared, cardboard-cutout-populated piece of pulp fiction I have read." And finally, the Post-Gazette reports on the accuracy of the Da Vinci Code.
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